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Who is Blue Wasatch Games?

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At Blue Wasatch Games, We create experiences that bring people together. The world needs to spend more time together and our games help you do just that!

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Every game is designed with a wide age group in mind. We want everyone to enjoy playing. Each game can even be simplified to bring even more youngsters to the table!

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Our games have the chops to prove it! Since 2016, thousands have enjoyed our games and let us know! Scroll down to see a few of our favorites!

young girl playing clash of the cards with her brother.


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Customer Reviews

Jane (Bamboozled Review)

I had no idea my kids would like this game so much. I bought it because it looked like a good one to throw in the game bag for weekend trips and vacations, but my kids have been begging to play this every night. Must be something about it being a cross between a game of chance, and a game of skill, but either way, it's gotten them off their electronics. They seem to really enjoy getting to "pull one over" on the adults!

Jason (Bamboozled Review)

This is such a fun game! Ages 9 to 39 and trust every age in between...was able to learn and play this and have fun! Hard to get my 9 yr old son to understand that it's ok to bluff and that bluffing is ok lol but most of the time he had a great roll and no one believed him lol! One time we played for hours.

Kaitlyn (Bamboozled Review)

I have quite a collection of board games but with some of my friends having problems understanding the game basics (let's admit, we all have those), Bamboozled became my go-to-game for the parties and friends meetings. The game can be played with bunch of people and replayed a lot of times with bunch of variety.

Tifanny Mason

I bought this as a gift, and we played it as a group of 5 that day. It was definitely fun, and easy to learn (if everyone is paying attention). I found the video included in the product's photo gallery very helpful to learn the game. The game comes with dice, a dice cup, and cards, so all you need is a flat space to play, making it super easy to take on a trip.

Akla (Bamboozled Review)

This is a fun family game, not too complex for the younger kids to understand.

Rachel (Ripple Review)

I've tried several golf-style card games and this is my favorite! Same basic concept but with some fun twists to make it more interesting and add a little more strategy. The combo cards give more variety in scoring.

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